
Showing posts from September, 2023

Mobile AI rivals specialists in diagnosing skin cancer, outperforms junior doctors

This multicenter clinical trial compared AI-powered mobile phone diagnostic tools with human medical experts in diagnosing pigmented skin cancer. The study found that the AI system was equivalent to specialists in accuracy and superior to novices, showcasing mobile technology's potential for accessible and accurate skin cancer diagnosis. source

Study sheds light on potential mechanism by which psoriasis increases cardiovascular risk

In the largest study to date exploring the relationship between severe psoriasis and coronary microvascular dysfunction, researchers have found further evidence that patients with severe psoriasis are at higher cardiovascular risk. source

Save billions or stick with Humira? Drug brokers steer Americans to the costly choice

Tennessee last year spent $48 million on a single drug, Humira — about $62,000 for each of the 775 patients who were covered by its employee health insurance program and receiving the treatment. source

AI model for detecting ocular disease using retinal images

Researchers present RETFound, a self-supervised learning masked autoencoder-based foundation model for retinal images. source

INTEGRA’s pipetting solutions help Axis Healthcare to support patients in overcoming opioid addiction

Axis Healthcare, a family-run care facility in Oklahoma, has introduced VOYAGER adjustable tip spacing pipettes from INTEGRA Biosciences into its PCR laboratory workflows. source

Herring roe oil's potential in psoriasis treatment

Researchers investigated the use of herring row oil to treat psoriasis, a non-communicable skin disease. source

NHS hospitals may prioritize meeting 18-week target over clinical need, analysis shows

There's strong evidence of a 'threshold effect' in English hospitals' efforts to comply with the 18-week referral to treatment standard, concludes a long term data analysis of performance against the target, published online in the journal BMJ Quality & Safety. source